If it’s not operating, it’s not costing: pay-as-you-go equipment to help hospitality recover

Winterhalter calls on equipment suppliers to develop finance schemes to help struggling operators…. read more

Michael Toader of London’s Victory Services Club awarded Kitchen Porter of the Year 2022

“An exceptional candidate” is the judges’ unanimous choice…. read more

Ten of the best: Top ten kitchen porters of 2022 announced

Winterhalter and The Caterer reveal finalists for the Kitchen Porter of the Year competition…. read more

Keep calm and clean on with Winterhalter

Winterhalter works hard to beat supply chain woes and guarantee stock of its ranges…. read more

Spread the dishwash options and spread the cost

Winterhalter extends finance options on leasing, rental and pay per wash…. read more

National KP Day – let’s get tweeting for Hospitality Action

Winterhalter aims to raise a smile and raise cash for charity…. read more