CESA’s new, free guide shows caterers how to get to grips with slips and trips

Of all the accidents that occur in the UK, slips and trips are the most common, forming over a third of reported major injuries. It’s a particular issue in the hospitality industry, for both staff and guests, in just about every area of operation. For example, in commercial kitchens grease, flour and water form serious potential hazards, while in public areas spills can cause problems in all sorts of situations, from changing rooms in leisure centres to bars in pubs, restaurants and hotels.
Now CESA, the Catering Equipment Suppliers Association, has produced a Guide to Slips and Trips. It’s designed to explain the law, including caterers’ legal responsibilities, and to tell operators how to assess the risk in their establishment.
“It’s increasingly important that caterers are made aware of the slips and trips issue,” says Mick Shaddock, chair of CESA. “Whilst it is primarily a health and safety concern, these accidents have a massive impact on business, too. Compensation claims are increasing and, according to the Health and Safety Executive, in the UK slips and trips cause over 10,000 major injuries and cost employers over £500 million each year.”
CESA’s Guide to Slips and Trips is available to read or download from the CESA website cesa.org.uk (full URL for the guide is: http://www.cesa.org.uk/news-slips-and-trips-the-cesa-guide.asp). Printed copies can be supplied on request. Caterers can find out more from their local Health & Safety Executive office – visit www.hse.gov.uk for information.
‘Slips and Trips’ is the latest in a long series of guides produced by CESA and available free from the Association’s website. The guides cover a huge variety of topics, from beverage systems to waste management. Visit www.cesa.org.uk/CESA_Buying_Guides.asp for a complete list.
The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 150 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit www.cesa.org.uk.
CESA Slips & Trips Guide: http://www.cesa.org.uk/news-slips-and-trips-the-cesa-guide.asp
CESA Buyers Guides: http://www.cesa.org.uk/CESA_Buying_Guides.asp
Health & Safety Executive: www.hse.gov.uk