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Test-drive a Rational

‘The ultimate baking machine’

Fancy test-driving a Rational SelfCooking Center? This next-generation combi has been called the ultimate baking and cooking machine. It saves time, energy and money and bakes food perfectly, every time.   What’s more, it’s a cinch to use.

Bakers can find out more and ‘test drive’ a SelfCooking Center at a TeamCooking Live seminar. The seminars last about two hours and they take place every month at over 90 top venues across the UK, including Premier League clubs, universities, hotels and colleges.

Designed to give a taste of the latest combi cooking technology, the seminars are run by experts in a friendly, informal setting where attendees can ask about every aspect of baking and cooking with combination ovens.

Would a Rational suit your bakery? More than half the combis sold in the UK are Rationals – there are SelfCooking Centers in bakeries, supermarkets, stores, delis and butchers shops throughout the country.

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