Tim Morgan. Founder of The Publicity Works. Basks under the mistaken belief that he is “The Man”. Favourite food: One of those chips you’re eating… read more
Toni Turner
Toni Turner: Client liaison, office management, union representative. She actually IS The Man. Favourite Food: Chocolate or lettuce. Decisions, decisions! Favourite Occupation on a Sunday… read more
13th Hour
n. that nanosecond when you realise that despite all the blood, sweat and tears, a brilliant big idea, ample budget, delicately poised spin and a… read more
n. faced simultaneously with Deadline, Creative Block and Spell Checker, it is easy to see how St John was struck with the Revelation that the… read more
n. a knob or stud; a dome-shaped protuberance; a wholly self-centred person who sits behind a big desk and makes a lot of noise in… read more
Creative Block
n. monolithic structure designed to extend the working day by several hours. See also numbskull, latent and downright lazy.
n. a unit of time, often historic (eg ‘last week’, ‘two hours ago’ etc) measured in weeks and months by normal people and nano-seconds by… read more
n. the sending and receiving of written messages by electronic means thus freeing people up from the tyranny of having to talk to each other,… read more
n. the generous bestowal of funds in a magnanimous manner, enabling the creatives to be creative, the Big Idea to flourish and the Pack of… read more