Bibis Italianissimo ups service with Call Systems Technology’s paging system

No lost customers in the bar at Bibis

CustomerCall at BibisBibis Italianissimo is a bustling Italian restaurant in the heart of Leeds. Over the last three decades it has become a popular dining and show time destination, offering good food and drinks served with friendly Italian hospitality. The aim is to give a taste of Italy with a Yorkshire twist.

With over 300 covers and 120 tables, Angelo Plazzi, restaurant general manager, has his work cut out to make sure that all the guests are seated as soon as their table is ready. In order to manage this efficiently and prevent queues, Bibis uses forty customer pagers supplied by Call Systems Technology (CST).

“The pagers we have from CST are an essential piece of equipment at Bibis. They are really fundamental to the way we operate. Without them we would not be able to keep our diners happy.”

When diners arrive at Bibis they are greeted at the hostess desk and if there is not a vacant table they are handed a pager. They are then free to go to the bar and enjoy a relaxing drink while they wait. Once their table is ready, they are paged to return to the hostess desk to be seated.

“CST has put together a great system for us,” says Angelo. “This is such a big place, without the pagers it was time consuming to find customers once they’d gone to the bar. We’re confident now that everyone is seated quickly and in turn.”

The system is simple to use. All the pagers are numbered and once one is handed out to a customer, the party size is logged down so the appropriate table is allocated. As soon the table is clear the customer is bleeped to let them know they can be seated. The pager can then be used again.

“The main benefit is that we offer good service that satisfies our customers. Once they have a pager customers can be certain that they will be called in turn and that there’s no risk of someone else jumping in and taking their table,” explains Angelo.  “Bruce McNair at CST was especially helpful in making sure these were the right pagers for the job. At the end of the day we pop them back into their charging station and they are ready to be used again the next day. They are reliable, cost effective and easy to use. In fact, they are the best we have had.”

For more information on Bibis Italianissimo visit

For details, Freephone Call Systems Technology on 0800 389 5642 or call 020 8381 1338, email the company at or visit the CST website
