The Press Office

cooking equipment


Grab a pizza the action

17 October 2012

Pizza anytime with Sirman pizza ovens from Foodservice Equipment Marketing Pizzas have become a popular family menu choice, but not everywhere has the space or the budget to install specialist wood- or gas-fired pizza ovens. Sirman’s electric pizza ovens, available from Foodservice Equipment Marketing, mimic the conditions of traditional pizza ovens at a fraction of the cost, bringing the possibility of serving authentic tasting pizzas within reach of smaller cafes and takeaways.

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Reach-in Blast Chillers and Freezers: smart and simple

13 September 2012

Williams blast chillers make looking after food quality as easy as 1, 2, 3 Williams’ reach-in Blast Chiller and Freezer (WBCF) range is designed to suit catering operations large and small, offering capacities from 50kg to 10kg. Their advanced ‘AirSmart’ airflow design has been developed to ensure even product chilling or freezing. It also eliminates product dehydration and ensures food is maintained in the best possible condition.

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