The Press Office



Butchers get the cold shoulder

29 September 2014

Williams’ coldrooms offer butchers a solution even where space is limited For butchers coldrooms are an essential part of their operation. Meat needs to be stored at safe temperatures prior to sale and some cuts need to be hung to age correctly. However not all premises lend themselves to accommodate a standard coldroom. Williams offers a truly flexible coldroom solution, featuring a modular construction and a range of panel sizes that allow designers to create bespoke rooms to virtually any...

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Butchers can be bakers and deli-counter makers

19 June 2012

Rational’s SelfCookingCenter® whitefficiency® offers easy pie-making for butchers To make sure they keep their cut of the action, butchers are finding they need to diversify beyond selling simply fresh meat. One option is to introduce a deli-counter style operation to expand their customer base in this increasingly competitive market sector. Cooked meats, pies, pasties and sausage rolls are all popular options that can be made with ingredients from fresh meat already held in stock.

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