CNP Professional offers footballer nutrition advice for the new season

Not matter at what level they play footballers need to train hard to maintain and maximise strength and fitness levels. Nutrition, and especially protein, plays a key part in this training regime.
Protein is very important for the maintenance, recovery and strengthening of the body’s muscles. Football and other physically demanding sports cause muscle breakdown. To help muscles recover an ample supply of protein is needed by training sportspeople throughout the day.
“Footballers need to ensure their bodies are fuelled efficiently to achieve optimum performance. In the first instance they should aim to eat five to six meals a day spacing meals every three hours,” explains Kerry Kayes, founder of CNP Professional, a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports nutrition products. “Each meal should deliver complex carbohydrates and protein, as well as vegetables for micro nutrients and fibre. Essential fats known as EFAs should also be consumed regularly.”
Good sources of protein come from chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, pork, eggs and low fat cheese such as cottage cheese. But it’s not always possible to consume enough protein through these sources, especially if trying to put on lean muscle or repair stressed or damaged muscle. CNP Professional produces a number of sports supplements that are used by footballers at all levels, from amateurs to Premiership players, to increase their protein intake.
Norwich City FC used CNP supplements to great effect during the 2010-2011 football season that saw them promoted to the Premiership. For both home and away games Mike Watts, fitness coach, made sure the players had access to the ready measured bottles of CNP’s Pro Recover – a post exercise carbohydrate and protein shake that protects muscles after strenuous exercise and helps them recover quickly.
“Since starting on Pro Recover I don’t get aches and pains after matches and training anymore. I feel fit and ready to go again in 24 hours,” says Russell Martin, Norwich City FC defender. Russell’s record over the season was remarkable, he played every minute of every match and was responsible for setting up many of Norwich’s late goals – 12 goals in stoppage time with a total of 15 goals after the 85th minute.
For footballers wanting to build lean muscle CNP’s Whey Protein contains the full range of amino acids and is high in branch chain amino acids (BCCAs). BCCAs are used for energy during exercise and are also important to support muscle growth. Whey Protein is also high in glutamine which helps to strengthen the immune system and aid muscle growth.
Other supplements suggested by CNP for footballers include Pro Peptide, Pro MR, Pro Dessert and Pro Slam.
For a full list and more advice visit the specialist football page on the CNP website
CNP Professional is one of the UK’s leading sports nutrition specialist companies. For more information visit, or call +44 (0) 161 368 0942 for sports nutrition advice and +44 (0) 161 368 3850 for sales.
CNP Professional is a leading supplier of sports nutrition supplements including protein shakes, protein bars, creatine supplements, meal replacements, mass gainers, weight loss supplements and post work out shakes, all designed for the ultimate in sports nutrition.
Kerry Kayes, the founder of CNP Professional, is a former national bodybuilding champion. He has been involved in sports nutrition for many years and his dietary expertise has established him as ‘the man in the know’ to sportspeople worldwide. He advises athletes as varied as premier league footballers, rugby clubs, triathletes, round the world yachting teams, runners, boxers, cyclists and motor sports teams.
CNP Professional supplements are carefully formulated to ensure that the body is able to make best use of the nutrients. Unlike many nutritional supplements, CNP Professional’s products are easy to drink.
There are several articles explaining protein nutrition supplements on the CNP website – go to the home page and click on ‘nutrition’ under the articles section.
CNP supplements for footballers:
Pro MR – High protein (fast and slow release), low fat, balanced meal replacement shake for muscle growth and muscle protection. Includes probiotic organisms, glutamine, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Pro MS – High protein meal replacement shake formulated specifically for women. For example, contains Soy protein isolate, which has specific health benefits to women.
Pro Recover – Blend of fast acting carbohydrates, fast acting proteins and antioxidants. Post workout shake that aids muscle repair and growth and limits muscle damage.
Pro Peptide – Advanced protein supplement that is low in fat and lactose. Blend of bioactive fast and slow proteins, probiotic organisms and peptide-bonded glutamine.
Whey Protein – Promotes muscle growth, muscle definition, muscle repair and recover. Contains a full range of amino acids and is high in Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s). Easy to mix – one scoop (25g) in to 200ml of water in a shaker bottle
Pro Vital – Antioxidants plus balanced ratios of vitamins, for optimal health and improved recovery, and ‘bio-available’ (easily absorbed) minerals. Each daily portion consists of two tablets and one capsule.
Pro Slam – Ready to drink 86ml vial that delivers 27 grams of protein with CarnoSyn beta-Alanine, zero carbohydrates and zero fats. Can be drunk in less than 5 seconds.