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Flux delivers scheme for easier insurance on delivery vans Commercial vehicle and van insurance news:
The smaller the business, the smaller the average sale. And when you’ve got a business that relies on deliveries of small sales – be it a florist, a sandwich operator or a newsagent – you can be making scores of stops a day to turn a profit.

But those who run small businesses can find it very hard to get van insurance cover if they make frequent delivery stops. Typically, a small commercial van policy might only cover three to five delivery drops a day, and extra cover (if available) can be extortionate.

Which makes it extremely frustrating for the butcher, the baker or the candlestick-maker: how can they service their customers flexibly and still feel safe and profitable, without straying outside their safe insurance zone? Got another quick sale and urgent delivery? You can hardly ask the customer to wait while you call your insurance company for permission, and you probably won’t want to turn down the business!

Now Adrian Flux Insurance Services has a scheme specifically designed to insure – and reassure – the small business, allowing them to make regular and repeat deliveries without compromising insurance cover and without costing an extortionate amount. The Flux policy offers no restrictions on delivery stops, and so any urgent order or quick sale needn’t wait.
Julie Carter of Adrian Flux says that the company was getting an increasing number of enquiries from people finding it very hard to get cover on frequent deliveries.

"Most insurance companies seem to be very wary of covering busy small business vans," she observed. "Their reasoning is that frequent stops and starts are seen as a bigger risk than continuous driving," she says.
"But we felt this was very unfair, and when we looked behind the statistics it was clear that there were many other factors at work. There’s no evidence to us that the smaller business is a significantly greater risk when making multiple deliveries. Other factors are much more important – the driver’s experience, the make of van and type of business, whether driving at night or in the rush hour, the mileage and so forth.

"So we can now offer multi-delivery insurance for those who need it. As long as other conditions make the policyholder a good risk, the fact that the van is making a lot of deliveries shouldn’t be a barrier to getting affordable cover.
"Don’t let an insurance broker argue otherwise," she concludes.

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