Rational has launched a new SelfCooking Center that never needs descaling, doesn’t need a water filter and cleans itself – but only when it needs to. All three features, which make up Rational’s new ‘CareControl’ system, are world ‘firsts’ in combi technology and are set to save space, slash running costs and help protect the environment. The new Rationals are even more energy efficient than before and the unit’s new ‘care tablets’ are fully biodegradable.
Rational’s SelfCooking Center is popular with retailers and bakeries because it is so versatile. It bakes pies and pastries perfectly, roasts chickens better than a rotisserie, makes magnificent muffins and much more. It even cooks great chips. And it does them all automatically, at the touch of a button.
Rational’s new CareControl system means the SelfCooking Center intelligently monitors what’s being cooked and for how long, telling staff to run the cleaning programme only when it is required. At that point, the operator simply places the new biodegradable tablets (‘care tabs’) into the unit’s drawer (just like the ones found on a domestic dishwasher), puts detergent tablets into the basket in the cooking cabinet, and pushes the button – the Rational then cleans (and cares for) itself.
The technology even intelligently determines what level of cleaning is required. For example, if the machine has been used for steaming, it may require less cleaning than if it’s been roasting chickens. Eliminating unnecessary cleaning saves time and effort, which will appeal to cleaners, and means running costs are reduced significantly, since less water and chemicals are used.
Descaling and looking after the water filter are the two issues that cause most service problems with combis, and most inconvenience to retailers and bakers. CareControl does away with all the limescale problems, using special scale-dissolving ingredients contained in the care tabs to prevent scale building up in the first place. This guarantees maximum operational reliability at all times, without expensive water softeners or time-consuming descaling.
And there’s no need to worry about looking after the water filter – because there isn’t one. Designers will love this, because a typical filter for a combi will be the size of a large tower-style personal computer – and will have numerous pipes leading to and from the mains water supply and the combi. So CareControl will save space.
Rational is so sure of the CareControl system’s reliability that it is backing it with a two-year guarantee. As well as providing peace of mind, the guarantee saves money, covering any problems for an extra 12 months compared to standard combi oven guarantees.
Service engineers will love the fact that the new SelfCooking Center needs no descaling, since it makes the units very easy to service and maintain. And because there’s no limescale build-up, the steam generator is always operating at optimum efficiency, which saves running costs. Plus, there’s no need to pay for staff or engineers to spend time descaling the unit.
Despite the raft of new technologies and features, the recommended price for all SelfCooking Center models remains the same. And Rational says that the combination of reduced energy consumption, staff time and running costs will save hundreds of pounds per year, every year.
Which means that along with retailers, bakers, chefs, designers, engineers, cleaners and environmentalists, accountants and bank managers will love the new SelfCooking Center, too.
For information and brochures, or to arrange to come to a free SelfCooking Center® ‘TeamCooking Live’ seminar, contact your dealer, freephone Rational UK on 0800 389 2944 or call +44 800 389 2944. For product information and contact details see www.rational-UK.com
SelfCooking Center + CareControl key features:
- No water filter – saves space and money
- No descaling – saves time
- No scale problems – protects the machine, maximises service life
- Minimal cleaning – saving resources
- Fresher steam – better quality food
- No price increase for new models
- Significant cost savings