supertimmyhasaswimmy dodgingballsandpokers

nice but swimTim writes: In the latest Swimathon news, I made it. That’s the main thing. Took me 2 hours 14 minutes… I was the only one at my pool doing the whole 5k, so I spent most of the time on my own, in the half of the pool they’d roped off for the Swimathon. Alone, that is, bar the 200 or so regular swimmers, who looked pretty ticked off that they had to crowd into the other half. I had the odd kid’s ball to dodge and a few people poking at me through the ropes. Still, it adds to the fun.

Many thanks to everyone who sponsored me. Once we add in the office swearbox I’ll be getting agonisingly close to my £1500 target… so if there’s anyone who was holding back to see if I’d fail, so they could keep their money, now’s the time to splash the cash.
