Upgrade the Caffé Culture food offering

Check out Rational’s multi-talented cooking technology at Caffé Culture
Stand G7, 18 & 19 May 2011, London Olympia. Rational's smallest  SelfCooking Center, the SCC61

The food offering in coffee shops and cafes is getting more sophisticated as consumer expectations rise.  A key issue for the market is staff knowledge: it’s one thing to toast a pannini, quite another to cook ‘proper’ meals.
The solution is on stand G7 at Caffé Culture, where Rational will be showing its latest SelfCooking Center.  This smart cooking technology can roast, poach, bake, toast, slow cook, fast cook, grill – the list is pretty much endless.  It can even prepare chips.  And it cooks everything automatically and perfectly, at the touch of a button.

Show visitors will be able to find out more about Rational’s remarkable cooking technology and book a test-drive at a TeamCooking Live seminar, being held at over 100 venues around the country.

The SelfCooking Center is the most advanced combi steamer on the market.  The reason it can prepare so many different foods so well is that the cabinet creates the perfect cooking climate for each dish.  It does this by combining steam and dry heat, automatically adjusting the balance of each to create the perfect result, whatever the recipe.

All staff have to do is tell the unit what’s being cooked, by pushing the appropriate control.  The SelfCooking Center does everything else.  It even cleans itself at the end of a busy day.

“The SelfCooking Center is ideal for any kind of cafe food, from baked potatoes to steak to pizza – it’s even perfect for paninis!” says Ian Ring, sales director of Rational UK.
