20,000 Members And Cooking

Club Rational gets bigger, better and more interactiveClub Rational gets bigger and more interactive
Club Rational has just welcomed its 20,000th member. Originally intended as a way of keeping SelfCooking Center users up-to-speed with new developments, Club Rational has now become a fully interactive, web-based community. Not only can members access specialized recipes online but now they can also upload their favourite recipes to share with other SelfCooking Center fans.

A new facility called Cooking Process allows users to search for the best way to cook specific dishes in the SelfCooking Center. For example, if a member is uncertain of the best way to cook roast pork then a quick search will bring up helpful tips from the Rational chefs and pictures of the settings required on the SelfCooking Center touchpad controls.

“The rapid growth of Club Rational is staggering,” says Vic Brown of Rational. “There can’t be many business clubs that can boast 20,000 members. It just goes to show how many chefs there are who want to get the best from their SelfCooking Center.”

Comprehensive FAQs cover most queries but if further help is needed members can access a Rational master chef via an email form on the site or the dedicated ChefLine phone number. Chefline is active 365 days a year so even during the Christmas Day panic, advice is at hand.
For information and brochures, or to arrange to come to a free SelfCooking Center® ‘TeamCooking Live’ seminar, contact your dealer, freephone Rational UK on 0800 389 2944 or call +44 800 389 2944.  For product information and contact details see www.rational-UK.com. For information about Club Rational, including recipes and combi cooking tips, visit www.club-rational.com/gb.
